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devine feminine

Black gothic portrait of Greek goddess Nyx

A series of Greek goddesses and mythical creatures of the Greek pantheon,  exploring the spiritual concept of the female counterpart to the masculine structures.   

mystical illustration of Medusa the Greek mythical creature
mystical illustration of Greek goddess Selene with her symbols
mystical illustration of Greek goddess Demeter with her symbols
mystical illustration of Greek goddess Artemis with her symbols
mystical illustration of Greek goddess Aphrodite with her symbols
mystical illustration of Greek goddess Hecate with her symbols

a surreal world

Victorian lowbrow illustration of the lovers tarot card

In this series of conceptual illustrations, i am exploring the juxtaposition of deceptively innocent color pallets and shapes with some deeper or even darker symbolism. Balancing between childhood innocence and a dark fairy tale, the initial frivolity gives way to a more profound and meaningful work aiming to provoke, puzzle but also amuse.


This series is currently out of print

surreal lowbrow illustration of a rabbit as a Victorian circus performer
Gothic Victorian lowbrow illustration of a cat that killed a bird
surreal Victorian natural history plates style illustration, of a three eyed black panther
Victorian lowbrow illustrations of lovers inspired by John Milton's poems, paradise lost and paradise regained
surreal illustration of Eve in the garden of paradise with the snake around her arm
Victorian lowbrow illustration of a rabbit girl with her rabbit
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